So this one should be interesting. I'll start with my opinion--more government, less freedom. And that folks is why I don't like the idea of government run healthcare, and that is what this post will focus on.
So, by about this point your all wondering why on earth the title has "fag" in it. No, its not your favorite gay rights activist; it's the english term for cigarrette. Which brings us to the substance of the post. The BBC news recently published an article about a government health advisory body who would like to require a permit costing 10 pounds in order to purchase tobacco. Interesting proposal. You can read the article here.
While I am against smoking, I feel that people should have the right to ruin their lives however they please, as long as it doesn't hurt the public (the reason for not allowing smoking in certain public places). To force tobacco users to pay for a permit to buy tobacco is silly, or is it? My first impression of this news was bad but then I started to think about it. You've got roughly 60.7 million people living in england, with around 90% of the population using the National Health Service. So does their government have a right to tax them on their use of tobacco through a permit? Yes, heck the government is the one paying for the health problems that come from smoking why shouldn't they have the right.
And that is why I don't like the idea of government health care. Uncle Sam (for my english friends Uncle Sam is a national personification of the United States) is involved in my life quite enough, do I really want him telling me what I can and cant do regarding my health. I plan on eating loads of candy for the rest of my life, he has no right to disturb that. And if Joe Blow down the street wants to smoke it up, then let him deal with the consequences, not the government.
As a final note, I do believe we need healthcare reform, the government is spending too much already, and insurance companies are the rapists of the health world. However, I don't want Uncle Sam asking me to turn my head to the side and cough. What are your opinions? Should we have government run healthcare? Please don't be afraid to tell me I'm wrong.
So, by about this point your all wondering why on earth the title has "fag" in it. No, its not your favorite gay rights activist; it's the english term for cigarrette. Which brings us to the substance of the post. The BBC news recently published an article about a government health advisory body who would like to require a permit costing 10 pounds in order to purchase tobacco. Interesting proposal. You can read the article here.
While I am against smoking, I feel that people should have the right to ruin their lives however they please, as long as it doesn't hurt the public (the reason for not allowing smoking in certain public places). To force tobacco users to pay for a permit to buy tobacco is silly, or is it? My first impression of this news was bad but then I started to think about it. You've got roughly 60.7 million people living in england, with around 90% of the population using the National Health Service. So does their government have a right to tax them on their use of tobacco through a permit? Yes, heck the government is the one paying for the health problems that come from smoking why shouldn't they have the right.
And that is why I don't like the idea of government health care. Uncle Sam (for my english friends Uncle Sam is a national personification of the United States) is involved in my life quite enough, do I really want him telling me what I can and cant do regarding my health. I plan on eating loads of candy for the rest of my life, he has no right to disturb that. And if Joe Blow down the street wants to smoke it up, then let him deal with the consequences, not the government.
As a final note, I do believe we need healthcare reform, the government is spending too much already, and insurance companies are the rapists of the health world. However, I don't want Uncle Sam asking me to turn my head to the side and cough. What are your opinions? Should we have government run healthcare? Please don't be afraid to tell me I'm wrong.