Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A call for Passion once more

I'm an American, true and blue. Those from other countries may not fully understand the pride of some Americans. They may view it as arrogance, and view things like the war in Iraq as proof. I recently read an article about the future movie that is currently in production called "W". A movie about our current President George W. Bush. The script was recently given to Bush biographers for review. The biographers stated that some parts were accurate but others were made up; for example, the script shows Bush discussing high policy in a casual frat house manner. You can read one article here, there are many others.

The current state of our society worries me. Too often we let the press control our lifes--letting the power of opinion also plague us. We easily take some opinions and news as hard truth, while we reject others as heresy. I fear Americans are losing to the desire to form their own opinion, rather use the ease of technology to echo what one has already said. We are all guilty of spending more time talking about what we think than actually thinking.

This country has never survived without passion and unity. It is the root of our accomplishments. It was our passion and thought that brought the colonies together to declare independence and proclaim their freedom. It was once again our passion and unity that created a constitution divinely inspired by God. And it was our passion and unity that forged our country through the trials of the world wars.

There has always been opposition to thought; opposition generates creativity and helps “think outside the box.” America has always been blessed with the diversity required to generate new ideas. However, when our opposition destroys our unity we should be concerned. I may be a republican and you may be a democrat, but we are both Americans. Too often our government passes some legislation that doesn’t effectively address the problem because two political parties opposition hindered their ability to work together.

The passion of America begins with the passion of its citizens. NOW is the time to let your voice be heard. What might happen if you do not? I doubt our country will collapse, or even lose its status of a large world player; however, we may lose some of the freedoms that are endowed to us by our creator and the protection of those rights by our government. Life will continue, but America was never meant for mediocrity.

Ok, so that’s my soap box, comment what you desire.


Michelle said...

I think you should have a column! You are very good with words, and I couldn't agree more.

Lesley-Ann said...

Hey Ben I often think I wish the English could be as passionate and patriotic as you Americans are. I certainly don't view it as arrogance but I appreciate that others sadly do. You guys are proud to be American and proud of your heritage and what you have achieved, I love to see your flags flying high. In England sadly it usually only football that inspires us to fly the flag and get patriotic oh and last night at the proms!

Regarding the Iraq war I just want to say that there may have been mistakes made but I do believe that the USA and UK governments made what they believed to be the right decisions and choices at that time. It is sad when lives are lost in such huge numbers, but at the end of the day people join the armed forces knowing that may have to go to war. I’m afraid that there are a lot who have the selfish attitude where they think hey we are ok so let’s not make trouble by getting involved in another countries problems.

Keep up the posts I enjoy reading them.

Fowie said...

So, Ben, what do you suggest? Maybe you get could a list of things I can do to actually think instead of talking about thinking? I do agree though. I worry that the real president is the black box in our houses, but I'm not sure what could wake us up to see that. Its interesting because people complain about every president that's in office. I admire the president just for the fact that he has to put up with all this crap!